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About PGPM Course

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
This is the 1 year MBA programme offered by SP Jain Institute of Management & Research. This programme caters to the industry need for middle and senior management roles.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Welcome to MBA!!!

Do you seriously think that the title is a welcome message???

It is NOT.

It is the expression used by everyone around (faculty, seniors, friends who have been to other B-Schools, even your own classmates) to tell you that - you better pull up your socks and get ready for the action.

Two months into the course, and we still get to hear these three golden words at least once every day (okay, I exaggerated a little). Every other conversation seems to end in a “Welcome to MBA” message.


Me: Ma’am, I feel that you are going too fast with certain concepts in class. I am not able to digest things at this rate. Can you slow down a bit?

Faculty: I can understand your problem, but this is how it works in the MBA world – “Welcome to MBA”.


Committee Member: Please update your profile latest by 11:59:59 pm today.

Me: Yaar, I got to prepare for another test tomorrow.

Committee Member: Yes, I know. But this is equally important. You got to manage your time dude – “Welcome to MBA”.


Me (to a senior): Yaar, my biggest problem is that I am not able to manage time effectively.

Senior: Aha (smirks) – “Welcome to MBA”.


Blog Publisher: Hey man, you are not part of any committee, so you must be relatively free.

Me: (Scratching head)!!

Blog Publisher: Great, then why don’t you write something for our blog?

Me: (Scratching head vigorously by now) But where is the time to write anything other than those freaking assignments :-/

Blog Publisher: “Welcome to MBA”, my friend.


Me (to canteen boy): Yaar, jaldi 1 chai de yaar, got to go for class.

Canteen boy: Hehe .. sir .. you always seem to be in a hurry .. “Bhelcome to MBA” :)

Yours Truly,
Mridul Baldi


Sunil said...

Great guys.

I think we are already gone out of the luxury of 'MBA WELCOME'.
Maybe we are already Sinking in MBA. To see when we will float back.
Oh GOD, save the MBA students.

Akshat said...

Hay good news...I think I have got into "MBA"...the fact that I could write this comment inspite of having tons of pending assingments and quizzess!!!
Now I can say to all..."Welcome to MBA"

Tejas said...

"Wel gone" to MBA my friend!!! All the best.. I hope you "wel come" out of it successfully as well

leisureclicks said...

Time is a great leveller...and life can be ironical.This phase of 'high brain activity' and busyness would help off-setting those few years of joblessness when you 'were' in a job as well as the no-brain/low-brain activities and people you would find yourself involved with after the MBA :)
Experience the other end of the spectrum. Sooth yourself with experiences of the past and dreaming of the future !