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About PGPM Course

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
This is the 1 year MBA programme offered by SP Jain Institute of Management & Research. This programme caters to the industry need for middle and senior management roles.

Monday, May 12, 2008


If you read the above heading, 9 out 10 times you must be thinking that’s it’s an ad for a spiritual learning school. But hey people hold on to your horses, it was supposed to be the punch line (talk about creativity ingenuity) that sums up our PGPM course.

And even after 2 months and 17 days of being subjected to gruelling transformation, the only difference I have found till know is that I have lost a bulk of my grey matter, and gained a lot of weight around my pot belly - the correlations between the two are very high, giving you a clue to where my grey matter has gone. Which makes me think “what the hell” am I doing in this 11 month transformational course?

As Peter Drucker once said after a few pegs, and I quote, “A B-School is just like any public loo, people on the outside are frantic to get in, and people on the inside are desperate to get out”.

I some how find this statement highly congenial to my present state of mind. But come to think of it, I’ve gained a lot (apart from weight) in the 6,825,600 seconds spent since I joined SPJIMR, or rather the PGPM407 batch. For starters I woke up one fine morning and behold, I could decipher the economic times! I also rediscovered my lost art of making PPTs, some of which have been quite received (if I may put it that way). On the extracurricular field I realized that I have a great knack for pulling people's pants down, the practical applications to which are still to be studied.

But on a more serious note, I must say that the last 79 days have been some of the best in my life ‘cause they have provided me the opportunity to mix with an incredible bunch of super talented men and women from whom I’ve had the good fortune to learn a lot, but most importantly make life long friends out of.

And hence to sum it up there is only one thing I can say, “To hell with the 11 months transformational course funda” more than any thing else PGPM407 ROCKS!


A random Data

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