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About PGPM Course

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
This is the 1 year MBA programme offered by SP Jain Institute of Management & Research. This programme caters to the industry need for middle and senior management roles.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Asiatic Society Seminar on Emerging India

As Management students, it is imperative for us to have close interactions with the Industry and their leaders, outside the walls of the campus. Such events and interactions widen our scope of thought and allow us a glimpse of the real time changing world.

The PGPM batch at SPJIMR was invited to attend one such event solicited by the Asiatic Society, Mumbai chapter for the book inauguration of ‘India – The Emerging Giant’ by Prof. Arvind Panagariya, one of the leading Economic Professors of Columbia University, US.

The event was held at the Taj Palace, South Mumbai. The event was attended by a host of dignitaries and top notch executives of the Industry where there was a free exchange of Ideas and opinions about the state of the Indian Economy.

The event started with a speech by Prof. Panagariya about the changing economic climates of the world and India in particular. He spoke comprehensively on India and it indeed spoke volumes about the research he must have undertaken.
It was followed by a dialogue between Dr. Rakesh Mohan, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India and the Professor. The dialogue was in the form of an extremely candid conversation between the two discussing the problems facing the country. In the process, the audience was gifted with some insightful thoughts of two highly acclaimed economists with spurts of appreciative humour.

After this very interesting dialogue interlaced with open appreciation and critique, the house was open for questions. The students were also given a chance to interact with the Professor and it was indeed a humbling experience to discuss the macro economic conditions of the country with such a leading economist.

The evening came to an end but the students of PGPM, SPJIMR brought back with them some rich and insightful thinking from leading business circles and a fresh perspective on the Indian Economy. We all hope that the Giant can sustain its development on the path of growth and we can contribute to its story of success, so that more and more authors and economists get inspired to write about this great phenomenon of a country awakening from a deep slumber – I N D I A

- by Priya Sinha

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